- Appropriation
In The remake of Psycho, Gus Vant Sant copies Hitchock's original film almost entirely shot by shot. Van Sant adds a few touches that Hitchcock had hinted at such as Norman Bates having Pornography, and a superimposed image of a skull over Norman's face in the final shot. While many may see the exact same movie as Hitchcock and a pointless rip off of a remake, by looking deeper into and under it I find it to be a lot more poetic and come from an entirely different angle. The feeling of a more modern, confined world where the idea of Mr. Bates isn't as distant and far from Normalcy as it is in Hitchcock's.
the next example is from an exhibit I saw of Eric Doeringer.
Doeringer uses copyright infringement and appropriation to the max. The exhibit I saw of his included exact replications of world famous paintings, sculptures, and photographs. He painted the paintings himself, which include various Warhol, sculptors of a Santa clause butt plugs by Paul McCarthy, and a Dorothea Lange I have put below in which he printed a copy of the image off of his computer and then scanned it to make the quality of the final print better. His other work includes fake Employee ID badges of himself for famous museums and membership cards. The idea behind making bootleg reproduction art is the same as knock off designer bags and watches.

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